Over 2,000 bookings at county jail in 2022
Shawano County deputies made an average of 1.77 arrests each day last year and booked more than 2,000 people into the county jail throughout the 12 months of 2022.
Those numbers and more are part of the 2022 sheriff’s office annual report filed last month with the Shawano County Board of Supervisors.
Crimes against persons, property and society generally ran between 40 and 80 each month, with a low of 37 in March and a high of 81 in November.
Crime against property include burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft, forgery, fraud and vandalism. Of these crimes, there were 48 arrests made and 55 of 266 cases cleared.
Crime against persons included assaults, sex offenses, and one non-forcible sex offense. Of these, there were 61 arrests, and 73 of 119 offenses cleared.
Crimes against society include weapons and drug violations. These resulted in 186 arrests, with 281 of 321 offenses cleared.
All told, deputies made 647 total arrests, which included 572 adults and 75 juveniles.
Arrests of adults included 139 driving under the influence and 81 disorderly conducts. Juvenile arrests included 39 disorderly conducts and three trespassing.
Law enforcement incidents across all of Shawano County included 13,044 by the sheriff’s office, down from the 14,987 reported in 2021.
City of Shawano police incidents were reported at 8,236, also down from the 8,498 of 2021. Stockbridge-Munsee police reported 1,720 incidents, up from the 823 of 2021.
Total incidents numbered 23,090, down from the 24,308 reported in 2021.
In addition to courtroom security, general patrol duties, and tickets and paperwork, deputies also spend a lot of time transporting prisoners to and from the jail across the street to the courthouse for hearings. It is estimated three to six prisoners are transported daily for these hearings.
Criminal summons cases are held Tuesdays, and between three and 10 inmates are taken to these each week.
Each inmate stays with a deputy at all times, and a deputy is present for the entire court hearing. On special occasions (high profile hearings) the protocol is to have multiple deputies with one inmate.
When an inmate is transported to court for a jury trial, the courthouse security officer spends the entire time with the inmate, and this could be days. There is at least one of these per week. Transports are scheduled for out-of-county prisoners and those sentenced to the state prison system.
The sheriff’s office also honors numerous special requests from departments in the courthouse. These include family court for a divorce hearing, an unruly person in child support, all restraining order hearings and firearms surrender hearings, and bank transports.
In the jail, there were 2,229 bookings of which 65% were male and 35% female. Also, 51% of those booked were white, 42% were Native American and 4% were Black.
The average inmate spent 15 days and seven hours in the jail.