Be careful what you wish for in elections

To the editor:

I am completely unknown to probably about 99.9% of you. I am a 78-year-old white woman (about to be 79) who has written no books. Nor ever been interviewed by anyone.

I am ashamed to be an American. I am disgusted and embarrassed. I cannot believe that millions of you voted for a convicted felon, a convicted rapist, a misogynist, a racist, an anti-Semite and, oh, by the way, a liar and cheat. Obviously, you see something positive in him that I do not.

Oh, you say he is a great businessman. Really? His father gave him $400 million, which he squandered after six bankruptcies. He has been convicted of fraudulent business practices and fined $450 million.

You say he is good for the economy. He promises to make bread and rent cheaper.

Also, he said he will be a “dictator,” admires Hitler and other tyrants. Well, of course. Who doesn’t want cheaper bread and rent? He will fix it. That’s what the Germans said about Hitler in 1939.

Let’s talk about all the people he wants to deport. Sound familiar, again, to Hitler, who “deported,” killed, millions of Jews, gypsies, “homosexuals,” “cripples” and others, well, because he could?

Just for the record, I have voted in every election since I was 18 years old. I have knocked on doors, handed out literature, talked to potential voters and championed the cause for a just, fair and equitable America. I will continue to do that. Despite the election results.

The upshot is that more than half of America voted for him. Now deal with him. He is your “hero.”

Plus, your bread will not be cheaper.

Katie Bally, Shawano