Schnell replacing Westrich as Bonduel track and field coach
Diane Schnell will replace James Westrich as head coach of the Bonduel High School track and field team this coming spring.
Schnell is also the Bears’ cross-country coach and will remain in that role this fall, while Westrich will still be the school’s varsity football coach.
Schnell has been on the track and field staff for the past six years, primarily working with the distance runners and relay teams. She’s coached the cross-country team seven seasons.
“Whether I am coaching cross-country or track, my philosophy is the same,” said Schnell. “I just want to give these student-athletes a fun way to stay in shape, make new friends, create new goals, become a smarter student and really enjoy what small town athletics does for the kids and our community. I like to win, but it isn’t my first goal. I want the students to win in life. That is what is really important.”
Because of her involvement with cross-country and familiarity with the track team, Schnell expects a smooth transition next spring. She added she hopes to “keep great assistant coaches to help all areas of track and field excel.”
Schnell said she didn’t know if there was ever a right or wrong time to add to her coaching duties, “but rather things simply happen for a reason.”
Her goal is simple. Schnell wants to help athletes enjoy the sport as much as possible.
“I still want to help kids enjoy a sport that will last them their lifetime,” said Schnell. “I want kids to make personal goals that will benefit others on the team. I want kids to have a place to forget about the stress of school work, life and relationships and do it in a way that is healthy and good for their physical and mental well-being. I want kids to enjoy being a kid, but also to learn responsibilities and how to work hard for a common goal.”
Westrich has been part of the track and field coaching staff for 15 of the past 16 years, serving as head coach the past several years. He’s approaching his 18th year as a football coach.
Westrich also coaches some middle school basketball in the winter.
“I have two kids in the middle school age, and it’s just been a lot of running with different activities in the spring,” said Westrich on why he stepped down as track coach. “AAU, and then the kids doing their school sports and stuff like that, and I’ve missed a lot of their stuff.
“I didn’t really want to do that (miss his kids’ activities). It’s just a lot of time put in and I just wanted a little bit more time to spend with the family, so something had to give.”
Westrich added that he’ll be at practice as often as he’s needed next spring, helping out in events where the team might not have a coach. He also didn’t close the book on being a track coach permanently, saying that he’s just taking a break for now.
When trying to think back on some of his best memories over his time as a track coach, Westrich said he’s had the privilege of working with great athletes every spring.
He enjoys watching kids work hard on an event and then see the joy on their faces when goals are hit. “That never gets old, that’s always something that’s fun every year,” said Westrich. “It kind of rejuvenates you and makes you remember why you’re doing it for the kids.”