Homecoming witch solves a mystery with her kitten

Jan Jones

After an especially busy week, I was ready for some far-fetched reading. So I selected “Black Magic Kitten,” book one of Sara Bourgeois’ “Familiar Kitten Mysteries.”

Kinsley Skeenbauer grew up in the lovely northeastern village of Coventry. Having parents and several aunties who just happened to be witches seemed natural to her. Regular high school didn’t work out for Kinsley, so she was transferred to a school suited to her “witchy skills.” Kinsley chafed at the prospect that she would one day become the area’s most powerful witch, so at age 17 she ran away, married a high-powered attorney and lived a society life until she discovered him with her best friend.

By the time the divorce was final, Kinsley’s now ex-husband had ruined her reputation and left her absolutely broke. With no other options, she has taken the few dollars she’d squirreled away, purchased a junker car and returned to Coventry to face her family.

Her family home, Hangman’s House, is enchanted and gives or withholds whatever Kinsley wants or needs. She’s hoping it has forgiven her for running away all those years ago.

She finds the house empty and wonders where her parents are. To her surprise, she is greeted by Thorn, the new sheriff, and a large black cat named Meri, who has long been her mother’s “familiar.” He assures Kinsley that her parents have just moved to her dad’s family home and will be thrilled that she is back.

After a warm reunion and meal at a nearby diner, Kinsley realizes she left her purse there. She sees it waiting on the counter and wants to thank the waitress, but she’s not in sight. So Kinsley goes out back to find her. Instead, she stumbles upon the body of Merrill Killian.

Naturally, Kinsley is the prime suspect. She needs to clear her name fast as she wants to open a shop and cash in on Coventry’s ghost-themed tourist trade. Thorn warns her to stay out of the investigation, but Kinsley ignores his pleas.

Soon she and Meri are tracking down a long list of people who might have wanted Merrill Killian dead. It is obvious that the man was a controlling con artist with absolutely no moral compass.

As Kinsley works her way through the list, she meets a powerful vampire, Merrill’s ex-wife, his young girlfriend, several defrauded businesspeople and his banker. She also meets some very helpful people along the way.

After renting a haunted building and setting up her inventory, Kinsley is confronted by Killian’s ghost demanding that she find his killer. She can’t open her shop until he’s satisfied and gone. Realizing how valuable Meri is, Kinsley decides to offer him a wish.

When the ritual is over, Meri has been transformed into an adorable, tiny black kitten. He’d wanted a fresh start but got more than he expected. Meri may not want to admit it, but his new size is a bonus in their investigation.

As much as Kinsley wants to focus on starting over, she can’t help the fact that she is strongly attracted to Thorn, and he makes sure she knows he feels the same way.

A chance encounter and a brief vision offers her a solid clue to the killer’s identity, but she can’t quite find the name. When one of her newfound friends misses work, Kinsley realizes who it is. She and Thorn rush to save her friend, but it takes a little bit of Kinsley’s magic to get the job done.

After the dust settles, Kinsley knows she is ready to claim her place in her large family of witches and the village of Coventry. She’s also ready to see where her relationship with Thorn might go.

Sometimes the hardest thing has to do with accepting ourselves for who we are. Once we do, we are free to explore all our possibilities. Your public library can help find our histories and give us a boost for our futures. This might be the time to check it out.


BOOK: “Black Magic Kitten”

AUTHOR: Sara Bourgeois

PUBLISHER: Sara Bourgeois


PAGES: 247
